"/blasterqueue" (allows the player to leave or join the list of people waiting to play blaster ctf.) "/checkqueue" (checks the number of people waiting to play ctf.) "/placebounty" (opens a window to allow you to place a bounty.) "/selfbounty" (allows you to place a bounty on yourself.) Commands for these two things are as follows: Capture the Flag is an event activated by players and played for CTF points which can be exchanged for items. Using these commands bounties may be placed or checked. "/showoff " (allows you to show off an item that you have.)īounties are money awards gained for killing certain players. "/ranks" (Shows a list of ranks you have aquired through quests allowing you to pick the one you want others to see in your Profile.)

"/trade *account*" (Sends a trade request to the player specified unless they are out of range.) "showadmins" (lists the staff members that are online at the moment.) "/shop *account*" (Opens a menu of someone else's player shop where they may attempt to buy items for gold.) "/shop" (Opens a menu of the player's own player shop where they may put items up for sale.)

"/skills *class*" (shows all the skills that class learns) "/signreset" (While in Osl, reset the player's zodiac sign and all stats linked to that sign for 50,000 gold) "set respawn" (When said in osl or a fort, allows the player to change where they respawn from) Note that placing a * in front of the name will only work if it is the player's username) "setnick *name*" (sets your nickname/display name to something else, as long as it isn't too long. Possibly helping with lag, glitches, or new graphics.) "/reconnect" (disconnects the player from the server and then reconnects them. "/roll" (When in a party, rolls a dice on the party channel from 1-100) All levels will be permenantly lost when used but it can be used to reset to a prestige class.)
#Graal online classic head codes free
"/reset" (a free reset that brings the player back down to level 1 and lets them pick a new class without using an essence or losing their current race. For example a Timeweaver could set Haste 2 to also cast Nova Cannon while Haste 2 is cooling down.) "/oncd" (allows a player to set other macros after a spell's cooldown has started. "/openpm" (opens any pms viewable by the player, including waiting: private, mass, and staff messages.) "/lookup *item*" (allows the player to see a description and the stats of the item/armor/weapon) Not to be confused with assigning macros) "/keymapping" (allows the player to open a menu, allowing them to reassign normal keys. ":icons" (brings up the icons menu, allowing the player to see available icons and pick one to wear.)
#Graal online classic head codes how to
"/help macro" (gives a short explaination to the player on how to use macros.) "/help *topic*" (gives a list of player commands for that topic.) After it is used once it will cost a varying number of gold depending on the number of levels the player wishes to reset.If your account status is gold then it doesn't cost any gold at all (You can only creset to a prestige class if level 60 has been obtained on that specific class.) This is usually used by players who make a mistake when leveling or change their minds about a build. "/creset" (when used in osl/Online Start Local this can be used to reset a character's levels. "/clearlogs" (clears the text in the player's F2 logs, if the player turns off the automatic clearing of logs and doesn't clear them manually periodically the game may lag or crash.) "/clear" (clears the shout/party/ctrade/tell text off of the screen.) "/charselect" (when in a no pk area this can be used to switch to another character.) "unstick me" or "unstuck me" (if the player is still for 30 seconds this can be used to warp them back to osl.) These commands may be used via the "lolol" bar to change various in game situations.